Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events -
21 Day Corporate Fast
Once again, we share in the blessed opportunity and mandate of fasting. I encourage you to join Living Faith Church in our corporate fast. We abstain from food and/or drink for a specific time to obtain a deeper fellowship with God.
Psalm 34:8 - Taste and see that the Lord is good.
How happy is the person who takes refuge in him!
Verse 8 emerges from an entire chapter of moods, motivations, methods, and miracles that inform and activate the life of each believer who fears the Lord.
Three important words in our theme verse give us insight into how we can enjoy that deep fellowship with God:
1. Taste: this implies a closeness to God, more than a fleeting relationship. It means to “feed” on the Lord, to take in and accept the deep truths of God.
2. See: The Hebrew word here is “ra’ah”. It carries a multi-faceted meaning to perceive, gaze upon intently, and observe God in all his glorious goodness.
3. Good: To say that God is good means that God always acts according to what is right, true, and good. Goodness is part of God’s nature, and He cannot contradict His nature. He is the standard of all that is good.
Consider this simple analogy. While people have very personalized eating methods (one item at a time, slow, fast…Inhale), everyone looks at what they are tasting. Sometimes before, sometimes after, and most times before and after. Small children often put a morsel of food into their mouth only to take it right back out, examine it, and happily finish eating it. They are “tasting and seeing” that it is good!
This fast helps us get in the habit of removing from our lives what we desire or think we can’t live without to make room for what we truly need: MORE OF GOD!
January 5th-25th…21 DAYS…3 full weeks of corporate fasting and prayer. Involve every part of your being: soul, mind, body, and spirit. Focus on spiritual food as more important than physical food. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be satisfied. - Matthew 5:6
GOD has given us specific instructions for the fast He will accept and respond to. It is a discipline that cannot be entered into lightly. GOD reveals that we must be careful that our “good” intentions about fasting don’t detract from His will and instructions.
Fasting and praying is not a fad or a novelty. Your fast cannot be human-engineered…it must be GOD-inspired. Seek God for how He wants you to fast. Condition yourself and position yourself to Graze In His Goodness. Let God “lead you to His pasture and still waters” (Psalm 23:2). Adjust your cravings.
Taste and See that The Lord is Good!
We love you! We pray for you a REVIVAL INFUSED 2025, beginning with this fast -
Pastor Steve & Beth
Women's Bible Study
Our next Women's Bible Study will be "Isaiah"
Monday Night
6:00 p.m.
Connections Room
LF 56 Launch
We are so excited to announce we are launching a new ministry!
Beginning Wednesday, January 15th @ 6:45 p.m.
In the Education Building
LF56 - A preteen class for 5th & 6th graders
Interactive Bible lessons will bring a basic understanding of Bible principles and help kids apply them to daily life.
To stand out for Jesus!
To become confident and bold in personal prayer and Bible reading.
This will be done through hands-on Bible time by each student, interactive games, discussion, prayer time, and, of course, fun!
Also, to bridge the gap between kids' church and youth group by having age-focused lessons for these 5th & 6th graders, to help them begin to grow and mature spiritually and hopefully become leaders everywhere they go!
Leading this ministry is Jennifer Phillips and Samantha Jones
LF Ignite
LF Ignite is the Young Adult group at Living Faith Church in Fayetteville AR. Our purpose is to ignite bold passion, unstoppable purpose and a world on fire for Jesus
Every Thursday
LF Youth Annual Lock-In
We will meet at Living Faith Youth Building at 7:00 p.m.
Leave for Fast Lanes @ 10:30 p.m. Arrive at Fast Lanes @ 11:00 p.m.
Students must be picked up at 6:00 a.m. December 30th @ FASTLANES
Follow Link below to register for the LF Youth Lock-In on December 29th
LF Ignite Young Adult Christmas Party
We are so excited about this NEW MINISTRY---LF Ignite Young Adult Ministry
Ages 18-25
Join Us This Sunday immediately following the service in the Youth Building for a "Launch" Christmas Party. We will have an ugly sweater contest and play “dirty Santa” with a $15 gift if you choose to bring one.
Bring a Finger food to share
We want to share our vision and hear from you!!!
Family Christmas Sunday
Worship and Communion
”And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.“ John 1:14
LFC Annual Family Christmas Dinner
Sunday December 15th at the Fayetteville Town Center | 5:00 p.m.
All those who can bring a dessert to share with our LFC Family.
LFC Kids Gingerbread Bash
Attention All LFC Kids
Come join us this Sunday, December 15th at 10:45 a.m. for the Gingerbread Bash!
It’s a super fun, hands-on way for LFC Kids to celebrate the real reason for the Christmas season! Together, we will build and decorate gingerbread nativities while hearing the Christmas story from the Bible.
December 11th--Wednesday Night
Bible Study Class will meet in the Youth Building.
LF Youth will be using Main Sanctuary to Practice.
LFC Kids Christmas Presentation
Join Us on Sunday, December 8th at 10:00 a.m. for our LFC Kids Christmas Presentation of “Get Ready for a Quizzical Christmas”
Soul Sisters Chili Cookoff and Karaoke Night
Soul Sisters Night is open to ALL ladies!
Monday, November 11, @ 6:30 p.m. in the Foyer.
This is a great time to join for Great Fellowship, Food, Fun, and encouragement from each other! This also is a great opportunity to develop new relationships that regular church time may not allow the time to do!
If you want to participate in the Chili Cookoff, follow the link below and sign up!
Baptism Service
If you would like to Baptized, be sure to follow the QR Code or the link below>
We believe the Bible presents baptism as an outward witness of an inward faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
Christian baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus, declaring the believers faith in and identification with their crucified, buried, and risen Savior. It is a visible declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The believer being baptized is immersed beneath the waters in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, which expresses the believers’ death to sin and the burial of their old life, and then brought out of the water, which expresses the believers’ resurrection to a new kingdom life in Christ Jesus. Furthermore, baptism identifies a Christian with Jesus, the universal church, and the local church.
Jesus commanded that all Christians be baptized. The apostles commanded that all Christians be baptized, which explains why the book of Acts and early church records show that baptism was practiced consistently.
We understand baptism to be the sign and seal of membership in the covenant community. Baptism is for all persons as they join the community of the church.
Gold Team Potluck Luncheon
Open to all those 50 years and up. Bring your favorite potluck dishes and join with other brothers and sisters for food, fellowship and faith!!!
LFC Membership 101 Class
If you are considering making Living Faith Church as your church home, we would love for you to join our next class and see what makes LFC such a special church family!
During the Membership Class, you’ll hear about our vision and mission, beliefs, and values–what drives everything that we do! You’ll also learn about our denominational connection and what you can expect from Living Faith Church as a church home, including care and support, spiritual growth, and ways to serve others.
You can register by follow the link:
Christmas Mall Serve Team
Christmas Mall Serve Team
If you would like to help serve during the Christmas Mall season in any capacity, please let us know by signing up using the following link.
We will be preparing the week of November 10th, Sunday after service we will get the sanctuary ready and transport toys from storage to the church campus. Wednesday November 13, we will transform the sanctuary into the Christmas Mall.
Wednesday Night Bible Study (Copy)
Join us in the Main Sanctuary
Practical Study on the Book of Revelation | Christ Revelation for Life’s Applications
Worship in the Heaven “Learning the Practical Worship from the Future”
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Join us in the Main Sanctuary
Practical Study on the Book of Revelation | Christ Revelation for Life’s Applications
Worship in the Heaven “Learning the Practical Worship from the Future”
Dedication Celebration Service
“Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward,
like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.” Psalm 127:3-4
Dedication Celebration Service
Sunday, October 6th @ 10:45 a.m.
A child/parent dedication is not just about the child. It is about the
entire family. Standing in a church and celebrating the gift of your child is
the first step, but following Christ and seeking His wisdom in rearing
your child is the journey. This Dedication Celebration in reality is a Child/Parent Dedication!!
Follow the link below to register: https://app.easytithe.com/App/Form/763e7dbb-897c-4f21-ab96-51e074fce491
Men's Bi-Annual Fellowship Campout
Men, Mark Your Calendars for this event where you have opportunities to CONNECT & GROW in relationships!
Life Group Season Begins September 8th
The best way to connect at Living Faith Church is by joining one of our Life Groups.
Refresh & Connect Outreach
This is a great opportunity to SERVE our community. Join us at Walker Park every last Saturday of the Month.
Gold Team Potluck Lunch
For 50 Years and Up
Luau Themed this Month. Join in the fun and dress Hawaiian!!
We will have pulled pork and you bring your favorite potluck dishes and join us for food and fellowship!
Blood Drive
Blood Drive
Living Faith Front Foyer
August 21 | 12:00-5:00 p.m.
To schedule an appointment call 417-227-5006 or go to www.cbco.org/donate-blood
Night Of Worship
Join us for a Night Of Worship where 16 Churches will be part of the Worship Team and Band!
We will Worship the One King together!!!